This is a simple example of a basic clicker game.
When creating the ExampleApp struct, we add two values to hold the position of the circle, as well as a value to count the number of times the circle is clicked.
struct ExampleApp {
x: f32,
y: f32,
c: i32,
screen_rect: Rect,
These values need initialized in the Default
trait implementation. Rust will call the default()
function and expect to get a fully initialized structure back as the return value. In rust, the last expression of a function is the return value if not otherwise specified.
impl Default for ExampleApp {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
x: 250.0,
y: 250.0,
c: 0,
screen_rect: Rect{min: Pos2{x: 0.0, y: 0.0}, max: Pos2{x: 1000.0, y: 700.0}},
We create a ui.heading to display the score in the top left, to actually draw the circle, we use a struct. It takes four arguments: position, radius, color, and stroke.
ui.heading(self.c.to_string()); // Displays the score
let painter = ui.painter(); (
Stroke{width: 2.0, color: Color32::from_rgb(255, 255, 255)}
Every time the program updates, it checks if the circle was clicked by checking if the mouse is down, and if the mousepos is 50 px away from the circle’s x and y variables. If the circle was clicked, it sets the circle’s x and y to random numbers inside the window, as well as adding one to the c variable (the score).
fn update(&mut self, ctx: &egui::Context, frame: &mut eframe::Frame) {
// On each frame, set 1.5 pixels per point
let (hover_pos, any_click) = ctx.input(|input| (input.pointer.hover_pos(), input.pointer.any_click()));
if let Some(mousepos) = hover_pos {
if any_click {
if mousepos.distance(egui::Pos2{x:self.x,y:self.y}) < 50.0 {
self.x = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(self.screen_rect.min.x..self.screen_rect.max.x);
self.y = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(self.screen_rect.min.y..self.screen_rect.max.y);
self.c += 1;