This is an example of a super simple game with 4 circles to click
On click, we compare the mouse position to the center position of our circles. if the mouse is on a circle, that circle goes transparent.
let (hover_pos, any_down) = ctx.input(|input| (input.pointer.hover_pos(), input.pointer.any_down()));
if let Some(mousepos) = hover_pos {
if any_down {
if mousepos.distance(egui::Pos2{x:self.x1,y:self.y1}) < 50.0 {
self.c1 = Color32::TRANSPARENT;
if mousepos.distance(egui::Pos2{x:self.x2,y:self.y2}) < 50.0 {
self.c2 = Color32::TRANSPARENT;
if mousepos.distance(egui::Pos2{x:self.x3,y:self.y3}) < 50.0 {
self.c3 = Color32::TRANSPARENT;
if mousepos.distance(egui::Pos2{x:self.x4,y:self.y4}) < 50.0 {
self.c4 = Color32::TRANSPARENT;
Once they’ve all been clicked, we randomize their position and give them color back.
if self.c1 == self.c2 && self.c3 == self.c4 {
self.x1 = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(50.0..700.0);
self.y1 = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(50.0..700.0);
self.c1 = Color32::from_rgb(200,100,000);
self.x2 = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(50.0..700.0);
self.y2 = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(50.0..700.0);
self.c2 = Color32::BLUE;
self.x3 = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(50.0..700.0);
self.y3 = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(50.0..700.0);
self.c3 = Color32::RED;
self.x4 = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(50.0..700.0);
self.y4 = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(50.0..700.0);
self.c4 = Color32::LIGHT_GREEN;